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Tüm çeviriler - kimily

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1 sonuçtan 1 - 1 arası sonuçlar
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İngilizce At the end of the Qing Dynasty, the great lands...
At the end of the Qing Dynasty, the great lands of China
were divided and being dominated by foreign powers.
Unable to retaliate, the Chinese were humiliated and
branded as ''Sick Men of Asia''
It seems that no one was capable
of standing up against this humiliation.
To further trample the pride of the Chinese,
The Shanghai Foreign Business Associate..
organized a match using four experts from
different countries to challenge the Chinese people
e o traducere de la inceputul unui film si nu reusesc sa o inteleg...
pls help me!!!

Tamamlanan çeviriler
Fransızca A la fin de la dynastie des Qing
Romence La sfârşitul dinastiei Qing Dynasty